Handle with complete ease activities that you have either found difficult or burdensome doing up till now: getting quick access to vendors and helps, booking amenities, discussing ideas for better society management, forming groups to handle errands, active participation in decision making, meeting financial commitments on time, buying and selling old goods, and many more. This app offers at your fingertips features that will make it extremely convenient and efficient for you to perform these tasks. Overcome all the barriers that have deprived you of enjoying the comforts of living in well-organized housing society.
& Friends
While ensuring that all the required security measures are undertaken, we assure a seamless passage for your family/friends/approved-visitors every time they come visiting. Strangers and unannounced-visitors are allowed in only after seeking your permission. Real-time information on parking space availability along with vehicle tracking helps overcome congestions and issues of stray parking. There are features to guarantee immediate help in the event of emergencies. It is left to your management to choose the degree to which you desire to fortify your society. We have a range of services to meet your needs.
Service type
You will have access to all the necessary credentials of your society’s employees real-time: KYC details, their area of expertise, roles & responsibilities, address, contact number, bank account details, etc. The app allows for their attendance tracking, salary disbursement and prompts concerned society members to share feedback every time the employees perform some task for them. Overall, at any given point in time, the system can provide a dossier on every employee working in your society.
Typically, vendors would include maids, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, painters, car cleaners, ac mechanics and the likes. To get enlisted in a society, it is mandatory for vendors to share their KYC details. They are categorized based on the type of services they offer. Access to vendors is decided based on the choice exercised by the society - of either mapping them to blocks/buildings or giving the freedom to members to choose from the master-list. To keep the vendors vigilant and committed to their work, society-members can provide feedback in the system and rate their quality of work. Shops within premises and in the neighborhood also get included under the scope of this module.
each Amenity
This module allows societies to list down all the amenities they possess along with detailed descriptions of all the facilities within each. Pricing and booking-schedule information are also made available for the members to make advance bookings based on their needs and convenience. If the society desires to maintain a certain degree of exclusivity for certain amenities, there are features to allow that to be implemented. Similarly, if some or all the amenities are to be kept open for guest booking, the same can be done as well. Since the amenities within have a bearing on the prevailing lifestyle, society-members are entitled to suggest ways for improving their quality and functioning.
all Payments
Channel of Choice
for Tracking
This module offers you convenience along with assuredness to deal with all money related matters without breaking a sweat. All financials transactions involving vendors, employees, maintenance, amenities, and the adhoc ones get registered in the system. Reminders are sent to members every month for payments to be made along with details of pending amounts, if any. All types of online payment channels are available to make it convenient for the users to complete transactions. Based on user/login type, various kinds of reports can get generated to obtain summaries for desired time spans. Every transaction, whether online or in-cash, has a description to capture the context, making it easier to comprehend every record in the system. Errors are unlikely and traceable if done purposefully. Year-end consolidation of data is also just a click away